
Laurent Prévot se souvient de cet air

Aux vents ! de Marc Pellacoeur

Two Gallants, Despite What You've Been Told

Courtney Pine, Transition in Tradition (En hommage à Sidney Bechet), Creative People Music, 2009

Le vent du boulet, Fabrice Nicolino

Wolfmother, Cosmic Egg, Modular Recording, 2009

Ludovico Einaudi, Nightbook, Ponderosa, 2009

Petit Kit de Survie

7 morceaux qui tournent

Gossip, Music For Men, columbia, 2009

Sweetback, The Lost and Found Republic, Yotanka/Discograph, 2009

Weather Report, Columbia, 1971

Heavy Metal Valley, Koudlam

... Fire in the sky

Captain Blood de Michael Blodgett

Warp20, (Chosen), Warp, 2009

Khalifé, Tristano & Westrich, Aufgang, Discograph / InFiné, 2009

Bob Dylan, Empire Burlesque, Columbia, 1985

L'Indic n°4

Pierre Pelot, pour tenir le coup

Les Cold Crush brothers & Billy Joel

Harry Manx au banjo 6 cordes

Steve Martin, The Crow, 2009

The Bitter Tears, Jam Tarts In The Jakehouse, Carrot Top Records, 2009