Explosions in the sky, How strange, innocence, the temporary residence, trr 85.
How Strange Innocence, premier album d'Explosions In The Sky, pressé en 2000 à 300 exemplaires et vendu après leurs concerts est ressorti en 2005. Même s’ils trouvent la chose imparfaite et malhabile la réédition de l'album a eu lieu et bon sang, on ne va pas s'en plaindre. Sûrement enregistrée dans le garage, la galette possède la magie des débuts, des idées pas encore tout à fait maîtrisées, des tatonnements. On pique du nez dans un espèce de chaudron où il fait bon traîner les oreilles. Et ça prend doucement pour une promenade intérieure avec guitares entêtantes et rythmiques rock. Des progressions lentes, des mélodies cotoneuses avec quelques explosions. Le paysage défile sans lasser. Un premier jet qui laisse présager du meilleur.
This is a bilingual review. I try to translate in english.
How Strange Innocence (released in 2000) is the first album of Explosions In The Sky. It is distribued at 300 copies and sell after the show. This first album is reissued in 2005. Members of the group think that their work is not very good and full of errors but the reissue is here because public want it, and bloody hell we don't blame it ! Certainly recorded in a garage, this album is full of the magic of the beginning, full of ideas not completely controled, but it sounds great for an interior travel with heady guitars and rock rythms. The landscape passes slowly with some explosions and it's beautiful. Then we want more !
A Song For Our Fathers.
This is a bilingual review. I try to translate in english.
How Strange Innocence (released in 2000) is the first album of Explosions In The Sky. It is distribued at 300 copies and sell after the show. This first album is reissued in 2005. Members of the group think that their work is not very good and full of errors but the reissue is here because public want it, and bloody hell we don't blame it ! Certainly recorded in a garage, this album is full of the magic of the beginning, full of ideas not completely controled, but it sounds great for an interior travel with heady guitars and rock rythms. The landscape passes slowly with some explosions and it's beautiful. Then we want more !
A Song For Our Fathers.